Welcome to Golden Rule Days!

My Story

They say “Necessity is the mother of invention,” but I’ve always thought it should be “Survival is the mother of creativity,” because that’s been the story of my life.

Let’s face it:  We’re all just figuring out how to survive on a daily basis, doing our best to tackle everything that needs to be taken care of.

We have so much on our plates -- raising kids, working full-time, taking care of the house, the family, the schedules, the appointments, the pets, and -- oh yeah, we’re supposed to take care of ourselves too.  Fat chance.

But I have learned to enjoy the simple things in life by purposefully creating peace and joy in my own little world… and in making home my sanctuary.

I’m a mother of four daughters (three grown and one at home), a mostly self-taught artist and designer, a veteran homeschool parent with a background in Early Childhood Education (currently homeschooling a special-needs child while working full-time), and DIY-er to the extreme.  I’m also an introvert who is always busy coming up with new projects, probably to keep me from dealing with reality (who needs that?!).

I long for a simpler time amidst all the chaos of being a modern-day wife and mother, and I reflect that in my ideas for home and family.  I dream of someday having a self-sustaining farm, preferably near the water, where I can paint and read and escape the world.

A girl can dream.

This is no “crunchy” mom or high-end home design site.  I want to bring simple, realistic ideas to the “rest of us” -- the ones who don’t have a lot of time or money to invest, but who still want to make our homes a reflection of ourselves and the importance of our families.

Until we all make our dreams come true, I’m looking forward to sharing my craziness with you (there’s plenty of it!) with the hope you’ll find some inspiration for your own journey of making the good, the bad, and the ugly of everyday life into a blessing that fulfills you.


“The world is but a canvas to the imagination.”

- Henry David Thoreau

Helping you get the most out of every day.

Time is perhaps our most precious commodity. There always seems to be more to do than time available, but you don’t have to spend a lot of time or money to make your home a sanctuary for yourself and your family. Creativity and ingenuity are among humanity’s greatest gifts.